The European Space Agency (ESA) Satcom/Internet of Things (IoT) Maker Space featured in the Annual Report on ESA Activities in Ireland 2018.

Based in DCU Alpha, Dublin City University’s Innovation Campus, the Maker Space was the first such facility in any Member State.

It specialised in the development of innovative machine-to-machine (M2M) and IoT technologies for satellite communications.

In 2016, Mindseed successfully bid for the contract to run and manage the Maker Space on behalf of Dublin City University.

The programme ran for two years and was hugely successful in supporting Enterprise Ireland client companies in the development of innovative products and the progression to independent follow-on funding from the ESA.

Read more about our activities on page 11 of the report here.

Photo Left to Right: Mark McCarville, Mindseed; Tony McDonald, Enterprise Ireland; Maria Johnston, DCU Invent; Domenico Mignolo, ESA; Frank Zeppenfeldt, ESA; Prof. Brian MacCraith, President, DCU; Patricia Moore, Mindseed; Ronan Furlong, DCU Alpha.